Entry created on 1 July 2019 (Revision 1.0) Annotator: Rita Pancsa
Basic protein information
Accession Q9NQI0
Common name DDX4
Gene DDX4
Organism Homo sapiens
Uniprot name Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX4
Basic LLPS information
Organelle P granule; pi-body
Type of experimental evidence
Protein region(s) mediating LLPS
IDR with alternating clusters of opposing charge, FG and RG motifs
Based on the experimental results of the following publication: 25747659
Molecular features viewer
PDB structures
Extended LLPS information
Functional description
The disordered tails of Ddx4, a primary constituent of nuage or germ granules, form phase-separated organelles both in live cells and in vitro. These bodies are stabilized by patterned electrostatic interactions that are highly sensitive to temperature, ionic strength, arginine methylation, and splicing. The bodies provide an alternative solvent environment that can concentrate single-stranded DNA but largely exclude double-stranded DNA. This epigenetically crucial nuage/chromatoid body (CB) family of membraneless organelles hosts components of an RNAi pathway, guarding spermatocytes and spermatids against the deleterious activity of transposable elements. Human Ddx4 and its isolated disordered N terminus (residues 1-236) spontaneously self-associate both in cells and in vitro into structures that are indistinguishable from the cellular Ddx4-organelles (PMID:25747659).
Literature supporting the LLPS: 25747659, 27824447, 28894006, 28041848
Functional class of membraneless organelle: regulator of spatial patterns; inactivation/separation/molecular shield; biomolecular filter/selectivity barrier
Binding partners (at biological protein concentrations)
Type of RNA(s) required/used for the LLPS at biological protein concentrations
RNA not required.
Molecular interaction types contributing to LLPS
electrostatic (cation-anion) interaction (PMID:28894006, PMID:25747659) cation-π (cation-pi) interactions (PMID:28894006, PMID:25747659)
Determinants of phase separation and droplet properties
1) protein concentration of DDX4 2) salt concentration 3) modification state 4) alternative splicing
Membrane cluster No
Partner-dependent No
RNA-dependent No
PTM required No
Domain-motif interactions No
Discrete oligomerization No
Regulation and disease
Post-translational modifications affecting LLPS
Position Residue PTM Effect Reference Modifying enzyme Notes
Isoforms known to affect LLPS
Isoform Effect Reference
All known isoforms containing sequence changes in the LLPS region(s)
Position type Isoform names from UniProt
Disease mutations affecting LLPS
Mutation dbSNP Disease OMIM Effect Reference Notes
Experimental information
Experimental techniques applied to prove/investigate LLPS
Under near-physiological conditions solutions of 100 μM Ddx4-N1 (mutation, truncation) and Ddx4-YFP (fusion protein) rapidly became turbid (change in optical properties). Under identical conditions, the splicing variant Ddx4-N2 (mutation) remained soluble, revealing that alternative splicing can regulate the formation of organelles. When droplets in the turbid phase were imaged by microscopy, their morphologies and (qualitatively) their distribution of particle size (particle size and count) and time dependence mirrored that seen within cells. Using bright-field microscopy and a thermal stage,a fully dispersed solution of Ddx4N1 (pH 8.0) at 50°C was cooled at 4°C to 22°C. At 36°C, the solution became turbid and droplets were observed to condense with the change in temperature. At all ionic strengths examined, TP increased with increasing Ddx4N1 concentration (change in protein concentration) in a manner that is well predicted by Flory-Huggins theory. The Ddx4-N1-YFP fusion protein was transfected into HeLa cells, and both its expression and protein localization were monitored using fluorescence microscopy in vivo. As the intra-cellular concentration increased over time, dense micron-sized spherical bodies (morphology) were observed to form in the nucleus. A detailed analysis suggested that the number of in vivo formed droplets and their sizes (particle size and count) were limited by the quantity of free monomers. Ddx4-N1 is posttranslationally modified at multiple sites by PRMT1 in vivo and contains six predicted methylation sites. Remarkably, a few methylations per protein of this type significantly destabilized the droplets, lowering the transition temperature by 25°C. The charge clusters of DDX4 persist for approximately 8–10 residues in length and tend to contain 3–8 similarly charged residues. To determine the physical importance of this charge patterning, a Ddx4 variant was produced, Ddx4N1CS (mutation), with the same overall net charge, but in which the blocks were scrambled. In Ddx4N1CS, the regions of opposing charge are removed while simultaneously maintaining the same overall isoelectric point (PI), amino acid composition, and positions of all other residues; this construct was unable to form organelles in vitro under near-physiological conditions or in vivo. To test the physical significance of the distributed phenylalanine residues to droplet formation, a construct was produced where these nine residues were mutated to alanine (Ddx4-N1-FtoA), which was unable to induce droplet formation either in cells (in vivo) or in vitro. While double-stranded DNA was largely excluded from the droplets, the single-stranded DNA was concentrated significantly in the interior of the droplets (protein co-localization). PMID:25747659. The protein within the concentrated phase of phase-separated Ddx4 diffuses as a particle of 600-nm hydrodynamic radius dissolved in water as studied in vitro by NMR. However, NMR spectra reveal sharp resonances with chemical shifts showing Ddx4 to be intrinsically disordered. Spin relaxation measurements indicate that the backbone amides of Ddx4 have significant mobility, explaining why high-resolution spectra are observed, but motion is reduced compared with an equivalently concentrated nonphase-separating control. PMID:28894006.
Experimental observations supporting the liquid material state of the condensate
dynamic movement/reorganization of molecules within the droplet (PMID:25747659, PMID:28894006) temperature-dependence (PMID:25747659) reversibility of formation and dissolution (PMID:25747659)