Entry created on 1 July 2019 (Revision 1.0) Annotator: Rita Pancsa
Basic protein information
Accession Q92777
Common name SYN2
Gene SYN2
Organism Homo sapiens
Uniprot name Synapsin-2
Basic LLPS information
Organelle presynaptic cytosol; a matrix holding together clusters of synaptic vesicles (SVs)
Type of experimental evidence
Protein region(s) mediating LLPS
P/Q-rich C-terminal IDR with S-tracts
Based on the experimental results of the following publication: 29976799
Molecular features viewer
PDB structures
Extended LLPS information
Functional description
Neurotransmitter-containing synaptic vesicles (SVs) form tight clusters at synapses. These clusters act as a reservoir from which SVs are drawn for exocytosis during sustained activity. Several components associated with SVs that are likely to help form such clusters have been reported, including synapsin. Synapsin can form a distinct liquid phase in an aqueous environment. Synaptins (there are 3 variants present in humans and mice) seem to be functionally redundant, as strong phenotipical changes in the clustering of synaptic vesicules could only be observed in mice wherein all three SYN variants were knocked out. Synapsin 2 most probably performs a similar role to Synapsin 1 (PMID:29976799).
Literature supporting the LLPS: 29976799
Functional class of membraneless organelle: protective storage/reservoir
Binding partners (at biological protein concentrations)
Type of RNA(s) required/used for the LLPS at biological protein concentrations
RNA not required.
Molecular interaction types contributing to LLPS
electrostatic (cation-anion) interaction (PMID:29976799)
Determinants of phase separation and droplet properties
Membrane cluster No
Partner-dependent No
RNA-dependent No
PTM required No
Domain-motif interactions No
Discrete oligomerization Yes
Regulation and disease
Post-translational modifications affecting LLPS
Position Residue PTM Effect Reference Modifying enzyme Notes
Isoforms known to affect LLPS
Isoform Effect Reference
All known isoforms containing sequence changes in the LLPS region(s)
Position type Isoform names from UniProt
Disease mutations affecting LLPS
Mutation dbSNP Disease OMIM Effect Reference Notes
Experimental information
Experimental techniques applied to prove/investigate LLPS
mCherry-fused Synapsin 2 formed droplets in vitro (particle size and count) as assessed by confocal microscopy. Synapsin 1 and synapsin 2 coassembled in the same droplets (co-localization) in vitro. In vivo, knock-out mice wherein all three synapsin genes were deleted showed a decrease in the number and packing of synaptic vesicles away from active zones (morphology) by electron microscopy (PMID:29976799).
Experimental observations supporting the liquid material state of the condensate
morphological traits (PMID:29976799)