Entry created on 1 July 2019 (Revision 1.0) Annotator: Rita Pancsa; Orsolya Kovács
Basic protein information
Accession P08287
Common name Histone H1
Organism Gallus gallus
Uniprot name Histone H1.11L
Basic LLPS information
Organelle euchromatin
Type of experimental evidence
Protein region(s) mediating LLPS
Highly disordered polycationic C-terminal tail
Based on the experimental results of the following publication: 30301810
Molecular features viewer
PDB structures
Extended LLPS information
Functional description
The highly disordered C-terminal tail (CH1) of Histone H1 condenses internucleosomal linker DNA in chromatin in a way that is still poorly understood. Moreover, CH1 is phosphorylated in a cell cycle-dependent manner that correlates with changes in the chromatin condensation level. In S phase, phosphorylation correlates with a more open chromatin structure that would facilitate replication and transcription and, in M phase, probably enables rearrangement of the condensed chromatin structure (e.g., to allow entry of condensins). The chromatin-condensing properties of H1 are mainly conferred by its ca. 100-residue-long polycationic C-terminal tail, CH1. In chromatin, the tail, which contains several phosphorylation sites, interacts with and condenses internucleosomal linker DNA CH1 remains disordered in the DNA-bound state, despite its nanomolar affinity. Phase-separated droplets (coacervates) form, containing higher-order assemblies of CH1/DNA complexes. Phase-separated condensates form, containing higher-order structures that are highly sensitive to the phosphorylation state of H1, suggesting a mechanism by which condensation of the chromatin fiber and other assemblies might be regulated (PMID:30301810).
Literature supporting the LLPS: 30301810, 30389709
Functional class of membraneless organelle: not known/not clear
Binding partners (at biological protein concentrations)
1) DNA (strictly required for LLPS)
Type of RNA(s) required/used for the LLPS at biological protein concentrations
Not required.
Molecular interaction types contributing to LLPS
electrostatic (cation-anion) interaction (PMID:30301810) complex coacervation (PMID:30301810) protein-DNA interaction (PMID:30301810)
Determinants of phase separation and droplet properties
1) stoichiometry of the components 2) protein concentration of Histone H1 3) salt concentration
Membrane cluster No
Partner-dependent Yes
RNA-dependent No
PTM required No
Domain-motif interactions No
Discrete oligomerization No
Regulation and disease
Post-translational modifications affecting LLPS
Position Residue PTM Effect Reference Modifying enzyme Notes
Isoforms known to affect LLPS
Isoform Effect Reference
All known isoforms containing sequence changes in the LLPS region(s)
Position type Isoform names from UniProt
Disease mutations affecting LLPS
Mutation dbSNP Disease OMIM Effect Reference Notes
Experimental information
Experimental techniques applied to prove/investigate LLPS
The in vitro binding affinity (physical interaction) of CH1 for 36-bp DNA by ITC, at approximately “physiological” ionic strength was Kd=292 nM. When CH1 was added to a solution of 36-bp DNA it became increasingly cloudy (change in optical properties). The DNA-bound polypeptide was highly dynamic as assessed by NMR. Solutions of complexes containing a 1:1 molar ratio of (phosphorylated) CH1-P or CH1:20 bp DNA were both visibly cloudy (change in optical properties). Optical microscopy revealed the presence of micrometer-scale droplets (particle size and count). Addition of salt weakened LLPS. However, long-range order in the coacervate phase was highly phosphorylation- and salt-dependent as assessed by NMR (PMID:30301810).
Experimental observations supporting the liquid material state of the condensate
morphological traits (PMID:30301810)