Constitutive heterochromatin is an important component of eukaryotic genomest hat has essential roles in nuclear architecture, DNA repair and genome stability, and silencing of transposon and gene expression. The formation of heterochromatin domains is mediated by phase separation. Drosophila HP1a protein undergoes liquid-liquid demixing in vitro, and nucleates into foci that display liquid proprties during the first stages of heterochromatin domain formation in early Drosophila embryos. HP1a is required for heterochromatin domain integrity and compartmentalization. In D. melanogaster post-fertilization nuclear cycles 11-14 HP1a droplets appear in early interphase and dissolve at the onset of mitotic prophase. The integrity of mature heterochromatin domains relies on weak hydrophobic interactions (responsible for LLPS) and also, dimerization and interactions with non-histone binding partners contribute to HP1a immobilization. Thus mature chromatin domains consist of both immobile (static) and mobile(liquid) HP1a compartments (PMID:28636597).
Literature supporting the
LLPS: 28636597
Functional class of membraneless organelle:
protective storage/reservoir